Supreme Court attack answered

Published 4:33 am Monday, August 18, 2008

By Staff
The recent attack column by Steve Flowers regarding the Alabama Supreme Court cannot go unremarked. He wrongly said if a person who wrongly lost an arm and leg to a doctor, the person couldn't get a remedy. It is flatly untrue.
Most reasonable folks in the know consider the court conservative/moderate. If it were a steak, it would be medium well. Trial lawyers and Democrats and other wild-eyed liberals can complain about the ExxonMobil decision to doomsday, but it was the right thing. And now they are using that decision (with which every major newspapers in Alabama agreed) to try to elect a liberal Democratic pawn.
Some wealthy personal injury trial lawyers took a vow after the Year 2000 judicial elections that they would regain the State Supreme Court and turn back the clock to those thrilling days of yesteryear when they rode the court like a horse and milked it like a cow. They promulgated a 10-year plan to regain the court, and sadly it is working.
There is a remedy for any injustice by the State Supreme Court. Any of its verdicts can be appealed, whether it concerns ExxonMobil or personal injury. Flowers went way over the line. His charge is about as true as a trial lawyer's moral compass.
AVALA has 15,000 members statewide and bell cow communuity leaders in every county, including this one. Wild accusations like the one by Flowers must be answered and the record set straight, and conscientious newspapers provide a right to reply.
Of course, AVALA would like to have demonstable proof of any such heinous decision the court has made, and we would back away. But we keep a prett close watch.
Skip Tucker
Alabama Voters Against Lawsuit Abuse

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