One vote makes a difference
Published 12:48 pm Monday, October 20, 2008
By Staff
As Americans prepare to take to the polls and exercise their most basic civic duty in just a few days, the idea that their vote could be cancelled out by an illegal vote is unconscionable and violates the very foundation of our democracy.
It seems almost daily new reports of voter fraud are coming to light. Most notably, it was reported in recent weeks that “Mickey Mouse” was registered to vote in Orange County, Fla. But, there have been even more bizarre reports of voter fraud throughout the country, including:
Due to the numerous allegations of voting fraud, I joined 38 of my colleagues in writing to Attorney General Michael Mukasey last month requesting an immediate investigation into whether or not the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is engaging in criminal voting fraud, promoting fraudulent registrations, or criminally misusing taxpayer funds.
In our letter, we stated, “Voter fraud represents a serious threat to the validity of all American elections. Each and every illegal vote cast cancels out the thoughtfully considered vote of an American citizen.”
The integrity of our federal elections is the foundation of our democracy. The vote of all Americans must be counted.
It can be easy to take for granted the fundamental right to vote in a free election. Finding time in our busy schedules to go to the polls can be difficult, and at the end of a long day, some may be inclined not to make the trip to the voting booth.
Some may think, “What is the big deal? Can one vote really make a difference?”
Friends, one vote - your vote - truly can make a difference. Consider just a few examples from history:
One vote made Texas part of the United States. One vote also added Alaska. One vote determined that the United States would speak English, not German.
History is filled with examples of how one vote can and does make a difference.
My staff and I work for you. If we can ever be of service, do not hesitate to call my office toll free at 1-800-288-8721.
Jo Bonner is a member of the house of representatives.
He can be contacted at