Community ready for holidays

Published 7:28 pm Monday, December 8, 2008

By Staff
Businesses, residences and even public parks are all sprucing up and gearing up for a great holiday season in Brewton and East Brewton.
With December already a week old, residents should take every opportunity to do holiday shopping at home.
Merchants in the Brewton, East Brewton area are depending on those holiday dollars to take them through to the new year.
The shopping period between Thanksgiving and New Year's has long been seen as ‘business savers' for many years.
To better serve shoppers throughout the area, merchants are offering wonderful bargains and some are even throwing in perks that make any shopping experience more attractive.
We encourage shoppers to stay in Brewton and East Brewton during this holiday season.
By shopping at home, you keep your hard-earned money at home and keep it working for your community.
Through tax dollars generated at local stores and shops, city agencies can keep picking up garbage, providing fire and police services and keep employees on the payroll who are committed to helping the residents they serve.
As we bring the holiday season into full swing in Brewton and East Brewton, make shopping at home your top priority.
Not only will you be helping your local merchants, you'll be helping to keep the city coffers ready to meet the challenges that are ahead for all of us.

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