All benefit from local shopping

Published 5:48 am Sunday, February 15, 2009

By Staff
Sales tax numbers in January were down from December for both Brewton and East Brewton, but that kind of decline is normal for this time of year.
After the shopping hangover of the holidays, most shoppers take a bit of a break.
And obviously, in a time of economic uncertainty, everyone cuts back. New shoes, new haircuts and dinners out often get sacrificed in favor of saving.
But the sales tax numbers Brewton and East Brewton have posted show that not everyone is cutting back — and we know the numbers of people we see in stores these days are anecdotal evidence of the same trend.
So when you do shop, we encourage you to keep shopping locally. Buy your groceries, gifts and gas right here at home. You save yourself money on gasoline and wear and tear on your car, but you also help your entire community.
We’ve preached a hundred times in this space of the need to keep our local dollars and tax revenue here at home.
Perhaps that has never been more important in recent years than now. A recession hits all of us, whether you have lost your job, lost revenue at your business, or simply lost some faith in the economy.
But here in Brewton and East Brewton, we can rally around our local businesses. They offer great service and great prices — and helping their business helps you by keeping your money circulating here and keeping our communities’ tax coffers up. Those sales taxes pay for services like police and fire protection and public works.
We need each other more than ever. Let’s keep what we have here at home.

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