Laptop raffle for Relay|By Lisa Tindell
news editor
Published 9:08 am Wednesday, March 25, 2009
By Staff
In tough economic times, getting a laptop for a single dollar investment sounds like a great deal.
The Disco Hippies, a Relay for Life team comprised of employees at the Escambia County Courthouse, is planning on making that deal a possibility.
Redfearn said the first laptop computer will be given away in a drawing to be held at noon April 1.
A second computer will be given away during the Relay for Life event set for April 4, Redfearn said.
The computer to be given away April 1 is a blue Acer model laptop that is loaded with software making it ready to use out of the box.
The light-weight computer system would be perfect for home, office, school or travel, Redfearn said.
Tickets for the Acer computer are now on sale for $1 each in room 115 at the Escambia County Courthouse.
The office is the map and reappraisal department in the basement of the complex.
Tickets for the Toshiba computer will only be available at the Relay for Life event site on the campus of the Greater Brewton Area YMCA facility on Belleville Avenue.
Redfearn said the Relay event will also give the team an opportunity to announce winners of other prizes planned to be given away that day.
Redfearn said a popular item in their fundraising is the chance to win an autographed football from Alabama and Auburn Universities.
Tickets for the commemorative footballs will also be on sale through event day until just before the drawing is held.
Redfearn is encouraging the public to attend the Relay for Life event this year for many reasons.