Published 1:05 pm Wednesday, April 29, 2009
By Staff
Thursday, April 30
High school softball
friday, may 1
High school softball
Junior college baseball
High school track
saturday, may 2
Junior college baseball
High school track
Paper gives thanks to Foto Stop
The Brewton Standard would like to give a big thanks to Foto Stop for their help with the Brewton Little League team photos in today’s special section.
TRM to host area softball tourney
T.R. Miller will play host to the class 3A area tourrnament on Friday, May 1, at the Brewton YMCA Sports Park. Admission is $6.
BYF seeking cheerleaders
Brewton Youth Football is still looking for girls between the age of 5-13 that are interested in cheering, to come out and join our squad. Registration fee is $10. The cheerleaders especially need girls between the age of 5-8 to come out and join our Mini Mite Cheerleading Squad. If interested, please contact Cindy Smith, Cheerleader Coordinator, at 251-867-9299 or Thomas Watson, Brewton Youth League President, at 251-867-7715
5K Run/walk to take place in
The Navarre Raider Run will be held at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 9, at Bennett C. Russell Stadium/Concession Area at Navarre High School. Cost is $20 and there is a no-shirt option for $15. There will be a free 1-mile kids run. Visit eteamz.active.com/NavarreRaiderRun for details. Register on line at www.active.com. Contact Michele Hill at 850-621-6889 or navarreraiderrun@bellsouth.net if you have any questions.