God caring for Brewton|Letter to the Editor
Published 2:13 pm Monday, May 11, 2009
By Staff
God is watching over all of us, our city, our lives. We may not have what we want, but we are among the living. I say to all of you again, the Lord is all of our shepherds. He leads us in the right direction.
I know some good people in Brewton. Our father stands watch over the city of Brewton. We all need to believe this. The problems that they’re having other places we don’t have. We have love here. The father God and his son Jesus have their arms around Brewton.
We all work together. We are one family. If we have a problem, there is always someone there to talk to, to help you. Believe me, I know. Friends are good to have. I have been ill several months. I think everyone I talked to I asked if they would pray for me and tell others. I’m not well yet, but I’m on my way back. I know the prayers were said for me in the country, city, and a number of states. All of Brewton has been coming to my aid for quite a few years. People of Brewton thank you.
I am a mother and I know it gets hard sometimes. There are a lot of people who are out of work and haven’t any way to get help, but we need to reach out and help one another. If we can teach our children the right way we have done a lot. Let our children know who the Father is and mothers teach them now and they won’t stray.
They will show you a lot of love if you let them. I have seen love and know love.
We are blessed, Brewton. Things that are happening in other states are not happening in Brewton. Yes, I thank him daily. I know what He has done for me. Also, all the prayers have helped me. As a mother, prayers have fallen on me. Go out and see what you can do to help one another instead of walking past without a hello or a greeting. Think about how you are able to stop, look and listen. Our God and his son Jesus have a rainbow over Brewton.
Just thank God for what we have. If it wasn’t for God, where would we be. Look around and see what we have in our hometown of Brewton, the best of everything. We are all family, young and old. If you see anyone leaning, please reach out, talk to them and give them a big smile and a hand to help keep you from family.
Love to all mothers.
Pearl Stallworth
Brewton resident