Men’s Ministry builds wheelchair ramps

Published 5:29 pm Wednesday, June 17, 2009

By Staff
special to the standard
The Men’s Ministry of the First United Methodist Church of Brewton is in the wheelchair ramp making business. 
Five families have benefitted so far from this ministry of labor and love. Led by Durwood Mantel and Johnny Miller, a crew of faithful volunteers began to work at the home of church member Troy Bailey. 
Troy’s family moved into a new trailer, but due to the height of the structure, they could not use a wheel chair to get her in and out of her home.
Along came the Men’s Ministry with hammers, saws and lumber to construct for her a sturdy ramp that enables Troy’s family to use a wheelchair to move her into the house.
But the need for ramps reaches far beyond the membership of the First United Methodist Church.  Word spread in the community and four other families have benefitted from the hard work and dedication of the wheel chair ramp ministry volunteers.  
Mantel said each ramp costs between $200-500 dollars in materials to construct, depending on the size and the elevation of the home where the ramp is to be constructed. The labor is provided free of charge from the volunteers from the Men’s Ministry of First United Methodist Church. 
If you are in need of a wheelchair ramp, contact the church at 867-8051 and they will forward the information onto the Men’s Ministry to investigate the possibilities of being able to provide this service.
In order to help fund this worthwhile project, and provide interested people some barbeque for company that will be arriving for the upcoming for the Fourth of July, the Men’s Ministry is slow-cooking and selling Boston Butts. 
George Aust will be the chief cook for this event.  Cost is $25 apiece, which can be ordered by phone by calling the church office at 251-867-8051 or email at  Church members are also taking orders at various locations around town.
Pick up times for the Boston Butts will start at 8 a.m. Friday, June 26, or after 2 p.m. that day at the First United Methodist Church, located at 820 Belleville Ave.   Also, you may receive your orders at those same times on Saturday, June 27 as well.
The Men’s Ministry thanks in advance everyone who  will supports the worthy cause of building wheel chair ramps for needy individuals. 

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