Sessions plans to hold two forums on health care

Published 1:23 am Saturday, August 29, 2009

By Staff
from staff reports
U.S. Sen. Jeff Session, R-Ala., is expecting a crowd when he comes to Andalusia next week for one of two “health care listening forums” scheduled in south Alabama.
The third-term senator, who generally meets with constituents at David’s Catfish when he visits Andalusia, has booked the Kiwanis Community Center, a venue which will be set up to accommodate 600 people. The meeting is set for 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 2. A similar meeting is planned in Mobile on Thursday.
An announcement of the event states that Sessions will give brief opening remarks at each meeting, but most of each event will be dedicated to hearing from residents.
The Senate will likely take up health care legislation upon its return to Washington following the August state work period. A number of proposals are under consideration in Congress, but a final bill has not been drafted.
In response to a wave of constituent inquiries about the various proposals, Sessions recently posted links on his Senate Web site to each of the major reform bills, as well as to a number of government agencies and independent organizations offering background information and analysis. The site from which the links are available is

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