Enrollment rises|With jobless rate up, JDCC campus busy
Published 3:20 am Wednesday, September 16, 2009
By Staff
Story and photo by Lisa Tindell
When unemployment figures rise, college enrollment figures usually rise along with them. That fact has become evident on the campus of Jefferson Davis Community College with increased enrollment for the fall 2009 semester.
Anthony Hardy, management information systems director for JDCC, said the number of students enrolled at the Brewton educational facility has increased significantly for the current semester.
JDCC President Dr. Susan McBride said the numbers are a reflection of the economic condition in the area.
Not only is the number of students on campus increasing, the length of time those students are spending on campus is also increasing, Hardy said.
That increase in credit hours being taught has made a difference in tuition revenues seen by the local institution; however, the focus remains on the students and how they can be served, McBride said.
The overall institutional increase in enrollment is understandable considering the current condition of the economy in the state, according to other college officials.
Janet Grayson, manager of the Brewton branch of the Alabama Career Center, said the increase in college or technical school enrollment is a typical reaction to employment changes.
The Workforce Investment Act is a statewide program that helps to pay for books, tuition and supplies at most community colleges and technical schools, Grayson said.
That training is available at JDCC in a variety of subjects, and Hardy said the technical classes have shown a dramatic increase.
McBride said a large number of those newly enrolled at JDCC have gone into the nursing program offered at the college.
With increased enrollment and more bodies on campus in a day, activities and involvement are expected to increase.
Growing at JDCC
Enrollment of the 25-29 age group grew the most this year at JDCC.
Age — rate of increase
18-19 — 19%
20-21 — 15%
22-24 — 16%
25-29 — 32%
30-34 — 11%
35-39 — 24%
40-49 — 10%
50-64 — 9%