Toy craftsmanship lacking
Published 7:28 am Wednesday, October 21, 2009
By Staff
The driver is tooling along in his little blue car, a jaunty bow-tie around his neck and a cell phone distracting his attention.
He’s not on a real road — he’s not even real. He’s a plastic driver in a plastic car driving down a plastic ramp in the latest toy to hit our house, a revamped version of one my siblings and I played with many years ago.
In fact, that 40-year-old toy garage is still at my parents’ house; my nephews play with it every week.
But I have to admit, something has happened to the craftsmanship over the years.
After four decades, our toy garage has seen some wear and tear, but the little elevator still cranks, the bell rings, and even the string for the gas pump is intact.
Considering that I put the pieces of my son’s new toy together by myself the other night, I should have had my first clue that this one would not stand the test of time.
Some of the other differences:
Of course, after about 15 minutes of sending the new cars — and even his old cars — flying down the ramp, Christopher instead started throwing the people and the cars down the elevator shaft.
Hopefully he won’t learn to do that for real, either.
Kerry Whipple Bean is publisher of The Brewton Standard. She can be reached at 867-4876 or by e-mail at