Wreck injures four
Published 1:35 pm Friday, December 18, 2009
By By Lisa Tindell
news editor
Four men were injured — two so severely they may have lost limbs — when a delivery truck struck a work crew Thursday near Flomaton, law enforcement officials said.
The accident occurred just after 3:30 p.m. when a 1990 Chevrolet Colonial bread truck struck a parked 2008 truck belonging to a W.S. Newell Construction crew on the F.P. “Skippy” White North bridge on U.S. 31.
Alabama State Trooper Information Officer Williams said Joseph Thomas Williams, 25, of Jay, Fla., was driving the Colonial bread delivery truck.
Williams was transported to D.W. McMillan Hospital to be treated for injuries sustained in the incident. Neither the extent of his injuries nor his condition was made available by officials.
The parked vehicle, a 2008 Chevrolet Silverado, was unoccupied at the time of the incident. But three pedestrians — members of a work crew reportedly laying sod beside the road — were injured as a result of the collision.
Injured were Jason Poole, age unknown; Orlando Naranjo, 28; and Porvivio Ramon Gorgonio, 28. Naranjo was transported by ambulance to D.W. McMillan Hospital while Poole and Gorgonio were both transported to Sacred Heart Hospital by LifeFlight. Conditions of the three were not available at press time.
Flomaton Police Chief Terri Tolbert said two men were severely injured in the accident.
Tolbert was not sure of the names of the two men injured so severely.
Traffic along U.S. 31 north and south was congested during the hours following the incident, Tolbert said.
County officials said the W.S. Newell crew was contracted through the state to do its work.
Williams said Trooper Rodney Law responded to the incident and is continuing an investigation into the cause of the accident.