‘Yesterday’s values’ explained|Letter to the Editor

Published 2:24 pm Monday, December 28, 2009

By Staff
Lee Cadenhead
On the theatre marquis in downtown Brewton I took notice recently of a catchy slogan that read, “Shop Brewton first, yesterday’s values, tomorrows technologies.”
Everybody loves a good deal, but for me “yesterday’s values” conjure up thoughts of much more than dollars and cents. All of us benefit greatly from modern advancements in technology.
The convenience of e-mail, the comfort of central heating and air, the blessing of indoor plumbing; I can’t think of anyone in a great hurry to go back in time in regards to the developments that have produced a greater level of comfort and convenience in our day-to-day lives. And yet, for many of us, there is a sensibility that our modern society has lost some ‘“values” of days gone by that the comforts and conveniences of “tomorrow’s”  technologies can not recover.
Character qualities such as self-discipline, honesty, gratitude, modesty, respect, hospitality, responsibility, frugality, and dependability; seem to be fading fast in modern society and culture. I’m thankful in many ways for “tomorrows” technologies, but I’m afraid we’re missing out on many of “yesterday’s values.”  To bemoan these changes while doing nothing about them is as much or more frustrating as watching the downward slide it self. Conservative, Bible-believing families can, however, do something about this shift in manners by raising their children to espouse and practice “yesterday’s values.”
Lee Cadenhead

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