Local officials: Plant could help county

Published 4:35 pm Wednesday, January 20, 2010

By By Kerry Whipple Bean

If a $4.3 billion hybrid car plant brings 5,800 jobs to Baldwin County in the next few years, Escambia County stands to benefit — not only from the possibility of employment but from the location of suppliers for the factory, local officials said.
Escambia County Industrial Development Board Director Marshall Rogers said she has already been working closely with Baldwin County economic development officials on the possibility of locating suppliers in Escambia County.
Baker said the state is taking a more hands-off approach to incentives, until HK Motors can fulfill its initial financial goals.
Rogers and Alabama Development Office Director Neal Wade both said the suppliers already involved in the project are well-known and well-financed. “We continue to be excited and optimistic,” Baker said. “The suppliers are very reputable.”
Baker said the presence of such strong partner companies gives hope that the plans are “not just a dream project.”

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