City plans flood relief

Published 5:12 pm Wednesday, January 27, 2010

By By Lisa Tindell
news editor

Downtown Brewton businesses may be getting some relief from periodic flooding if the city is able to complete a project to put in new sewer lines and increase pumping capabilities of other stations.
City Gas and Water Supervisor Ray Madden presented a report to the Brewton City Council concerning the rehabilitation of the Underwood pumping station.
Madden estimated the cost of project at $667,165.
Council members agreed to put the project out for bids to determine the actual cost to complete the project.
During Tuesday’s meeting, the council also agreed to let bids on a paving project proposed by the city. In the proposal, at least 16 areas are on the list to be considered for paving.
City Clerk John Angel said bids would be out for four weeks with returning bids expected by mid-March. “At that time we’ll see what we can do,” Angel said. “Some of the areas may be eliminated from the list due to cost.”
In other business, the council:

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