Reasons to Relay are many

Published 4:57 am Wednesday, April 28, 2010

By By Lisa Tindell
It touches everyone. If you haven’t been touched personally, there’s a good chance it has touched someone in your family or in your circle of friends.
For me, cancer has taken a member of my family and has touched others – and has even paid me a visit.
As I attended last year’s Relay for Life event, I was facing the possibility of having cancer. Still in the testing stages last April, my cancer was diagnosed in early May. Since that time I’ve undergone two surgeries and several weeks in the hospital and still have days that aren’t as good as others.
As I sat on an examination table last year I was told the news that hurt beyond what words can express. As Dr. Boshell held my hand and gave me the news that day, I could only imagine how much he must wish cancer was only a memory.
As friends learned of my diagnosis I was offered words of encouragement and words of comfort. I had people who performed research on the Internet to offer their own prognosis of my condition. I even heard “if you’re going to get cancer, that’s the one to get.” They had no idea that even those words couldn’t comfort me in the beginning. The news was devastating to say the least.
That research done by loving friends would probably not have been possible if professionals had not worked on the project before them. That research, doctors who know where to cut and how much to cut, medical technicians who know just where to aim the beams, and chemists who know just the right combination of medications is why I relay and why I’m here today.
Relay for Life is an annual event that happens across the country in communities just like Brewton. The money raised in those individual events goes to help fund research by professionals who continuously develop new ways to treat those who have been diagnosed with cancer. Those funds also help to provide educational materials and information that help people learn how to prevent the disease. The funds raised at the events also help to fill loan closets with items need by cancer victims including everything from prosthetic devices and clothing to wigs and caps. Those are reasons enough for anyone to join in Relay for Life events.
As Relay for Life activities continue this weekend, and throughout the year, I hope that you will take a moment to honor those who have fought the battle of cancer and won. I hope you will also take some time to remember those who fought the battle and lost. Those lost battles are why we do what we do as Relay for Life team members.
Our goal is to give those who come behind us an opportunity to live a life cancer free. That’s my personal goal as well.
Lisa Tindell is news editor for The Brewton Standard. She can be reached by email at lisa.tindell@

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