Romantic tales: Brewton native pens novels

Published 10:13 am Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Finding a literary niche has become a relatively easy task for a local author.
Lisa Gay Greer has found her calling in writing gothic romance novels.
The daughter of Jim and Jackie Gay, Greer is a graduate of T.R. Miller High School who aspired to being a teacher.
“I planned to become a teacher after college,” Greer said. “I got a job after college teaching British literature, both in the classroom and online. I still do online tutoring and my husband works at home, so we can live wherever we want — and right now that is back in Brewton.”
Greer grew up in Brewton and  attended Huntingdon College in Montgomery after high school. While there, she earned a bachelor’s degree in English and psychology. She then attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham earning her master’s degree in 18th century British literature.
Greer, along with her husband and daughter, lives in Brewton where she continues to work on her writing.
She wrote her first romance novel in the summer of 2010, after thinking “I can do this, and then I was hooked.”
During the 1970s and 1980s, gothic romance novels were very popular. They combine romance with mystery and intrigue or even the supernatural, usually involving a young lady who finds herself in a situation of danger.
Greer owns Gothicked Blog, a blog that reviews gothic novels, especially gothic romance novels.
Her first novel, ‘Magnolian,’ was published by Bookstrand, and she has other works with Astraea Press, including an Amish gothic romance novella ‘Cries From the Past,’ which is online and available to the public. It can be downloaded to a Kindle or computer for a nominal fee. Other books such as ‘Blossoms in the Storm’ and ‘Moonlight on the Palms’ are also available for sale.
With little more than a year of writing under her belt, Greer is staying busy churning out stories as quickly as they come to her mind.  As quickly as she writes the stories, she said the scope of publishing changes just as quickly.
“Things are changing every day,” Greer said. “More and more books and novellas are online these days. My novella ‘Cries from the Past,’ has been in the top 100 of gothic romance since July. I also have a couple of works coming out early next year. ‘She Walks the Shore’ is coming out Jan. 13, 2012 and ‘Secrets of Summerspelle’ will be out Feb. 3, 2012.”
Greer’s schedule and dedication to her craft have given her the focus and opportunity to create so many stories for those who love the genre.
“I want to do some self-publishing, too,” she added. “I have disciplined myself and set aside three hours a day to do my writing and it works pretty well. So far I have been able to write on something every day. I usually plan a story before starting a book. I know how to start it and I know where I want it to go. All I have to figure out is how it gets there. Having a job besides the writing gives me the opportunity to keep up with what goes on out in the world and incorporate it into what I write.”
Greer said that sometimes ideas come to her at night and she will get up and make notes or even go to the computer and write it down. So far she said she hasn’t run out of ideas of what to write next and she has some advice to potential writers.
“Write every day” she said.” Choose either a word count goal or a time limit and stick to it as best as you can. I do three hours a day. Do I make that goal every day? No, I don’t, but I come close, and that’s the real reason I have a backlist. I write even when I don’t feel like it, and soon, I do feel like it.
“It’s a discipline, and it works. You can spend a lot of time marketing, blogging, etc, and those things are important. To me, though, the most important thing is to keep writing and getting stuff published.”
She has a website,, and said she loves to hear from those who read her material and feedback is gratefully accepted. A good way to get started is to read her short story, ‘Cries from the Past,’ which can be viewed online at,
An opportunity for area residents to get a look at the works of Greer, a special presentation will be held at  the Brewton Public Library next week.
A booksigning event will be held from 5:15 to 6 p.m. at the Brewton Public Library.
The event will give area readers an opportunity to meet the author who will also be talking about her writings.
Those who wish to purchase Greer’s novels will have an opportunity to do so during her appearance. ‘Moonlight on the Palms will sell for $12 and ‘Magnolian’ will be available for at $16.

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