Memories of all kinds are found inside the pages
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 14, 2014
There were several news stories on the front page of the newspaper in 2009. The paper, dated May 13, featured stories about a local coach being released on bond, a man who rescued some people from drowning and a large article about the Escambia County Drug Court.
My life was in transition in May of 2009 as my husband had died in February. I was facing everything in a new way, and that year, there were a lot of “firsts” for me. Thank goodness I had my job and my friends at the newspaper. It could have been a lot worse for me without them.
I remember these stories. I guess it’s a lot easier to remember five years than it is to try to remember 25 years ago.
There was an account of the success of the Escambia County Drug Court, with a couple of people telling their own story. This hit home for me as I have a family member who has struggled with addiction. Sadly, his story has not been successful as the ones in the paper.
It’s sad and heartbreaking when a person is addicted to drugs and alcohol. It not only affects the person who is addicted, but it also tears the family apart. As my mother used to say, “You don’t know what you would do in a situation until you are faced with it, so don’t judge anyone else.”
Another drug story was on the front page. A local school teacher and coach had been charged with possession and distribution. He lost his job that he had worked so hard to get and messed up his life.
It wasn’t all bad news in the paper that day. There was a story of a man from Brewton, Scott McDonald, who saved a boy who was drowning in Point A Lake in Covington County.
We often get asked the question of why we don’t print more good news stories and this one certainly filled the bill. McDonald said that he had no choice but to jump in the water to help the child. “You always wonder what you’d do in that situation.”
In other news, the area was gearing up for “$20 on the 20th.” This was a campaign to get people to spend their money locally instead of out of town. The Brewton Area Chamber of Commerce and The Brewton Standard teamed up for the event.
We, here at the newspaper, were given $20 by our boss and believe you me, it was exciting around here. We were all trying to decide what to do with our money. I can’t remember what everyone else bought, but I spent mine on a pair of “Yellow Box” shoes at Bonehead Boots.
One local businessman, Danny Cottrell, went the extra mile, giving his employees $2 bills with the stipulation that the money be spent locally. That information was picked up by the national news, and Cottrell found himself on television’s “making a difference” segment.
Maybe it is an idea that needs to be revisited. People forget how important it is to spend our money in our hometown.
I would appreciate hearing from any of you. I can remember a lot of things, but I am sure that you have your own memories. If you are willing to share them with our readers, feel free to do so.