Want a Habitat house?

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The search is now on for Escambia County’s next Habitat for Humanity family.

HFH is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing organization dedicated to building simple, decent, affordable housing in partnership with people in need. To date, the local chapter has constructed 18 homes.

Currently, work is ongoing at the HFH home in Flomaton for Rebecca Mollenbrink and her family. Crews have spent many hours building the home from the dirt up. On Saturday, teachers and faculty from Pollard-McCall School and volunteers from First Baptist Church in Flomaton worked to install the home’s hardy-plank siding, while a crew from Legend Timber Construction finished the sheetrock.

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Those who are interested in the Habitat process will have five upcoming opportunities to receive more information:

• at 6 p.m., Mon., May 19, at the Flomaton Community Center;

• at 10 a.m., Tues., May 20, at the Atmore Chamber of Commerce and at 6 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church Brewton; and,

• at 10 a.m., on Thurs., May 22, at the DHR office in Brewton and at 6 p.m. at Atmore City Hall.

To qualify, families must meet certain guidelines, including income, one’s actual housing need based on the suitability of one’s current home; the willingness to partner with Habitat and one’s ability to repay the mortgage loan.

Families must work at least 100 “sweat equity hours” at a Habitat site.

“You might qualify if you’ve been living or working in Escambia County for at least year and are in need of a better housing situation – something more permanent, safer, healthier,” ESHFH director Alecia Glaize said.

Glaize said one’s annual household income must be at least $14,000, but no greater than $28,000.

“You also have to be able to afford a Habitat house payment, which is about $400 a month, and still meet your financial obligations,” she said. “And, must have a positive track record for paying off your debts on time.”

Meetings will consist of a short presentation, about 15 minutes or so about Habitat, and then, families can meet with a representative who will go step-by-step through the application process.

Those with questions may call 251.867.0095 or email alecia@escambiahfh.org.