Resolution addresses highway

Published 1:54 pm Monday, January 17, 2005

By Staff
To the editor:
The following resolution was passed last night in the regular meeting of the Escambia County Medical Society.
J. Daniel Raulerson, MD
President, Escambia County Medical Society
Over the years there have been many deaths in motor vehicle accidents between Brewton and Flomaton on US Highway 31. As is currently the case, several factors were likely involved. Excessive speed, inexperience, alcohol or drugs, and road conditions are some of the factors. Crosses on the right-of-way bear witness to these deaths. Many of these crosses remain on the unfinished section between the "double bridges" and the city limits of Flomaton.
The State of Alabama tried to provide a safe highway for the entire distance between Brewton and Flomaton but was blocked by three landowners refusing to sell land for the right-of-way. An appeal all the way to the Alabama Supreme Court failed. As a result, the state has abandoned this project. Consequently, the Escambia County Commission has determined that a 4-lane county road is necessary for the health and safety of our citizens. The process is now, once again, slowly progressing through the judiciary process. There is no way to know how long it may take.
The question is, "How many more people will die on this highway before the road is completed?"
Therefore, we the members of the Escambia County Medical Society, implore the land owners involved, Mr. Shelton Howington, Mr. James E. Hart III, Mr. John W. Hart,
Mr. Jimmie L and Mrs. Jo Ann Bush, to immediately enter into negotiations with the Escambia County Commission to reach a solution. The price of any further delay is too high.

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