Referendum vote Tuesday
Published 5:01 pm Monday, September 17, 2012
State officials are predicting a low voter turnout Tuesday with only one item on a ballot up for a vote.
Alabama voters mark ballots that will decide if $437 million from a state trust fund should be used to prevent budget cuts.
If the “yes” votes prevail, the constitutional amendment would allow $145.8 million a year for three years to be taken from the Alabama Trust Fund. Voting no would not allow any money to be used from the fund.
The fund was created in 1985 collect royalties from oil and natural gas wells drilled in Alabama coast state-owned waters.
If the amendment is not approved, the government will have to make cuts or find the money elsewhere. Budget cuts could cause a mass release of prisoners from Alabama prisons and healthcare services cuts.
For more, details and comments concerning the referendum and how it impacts our area, check out
Polls will be open across the state from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.