Escambia County BOE holds regular Oct. meeting

Published 11:00 am Wednesday, October 30, 2019

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The Escambia County Board of Education met on Tues. Oct. 29 in the central office Boardroom. All members were in attendance for the regular meeting.

Beginning the meeting, Superintendent John Knott commended the school system for its grade on the state report card.

“I am very proud that as a district we made some substantial improvements,” said Knott.

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Scoring an overall B on the report card, Knott shared, “This year we are up to a solid 85,B. We have to continue to work to improve that. I would like to point out the two schools that made A’s-Flomaton High School and Flomaton Elementary School.”

Looking towards the new year, Knott explained the process to work towards next year.

“We have disaggregated and are continuing to disaggregate to be able to focus on the areas we need to focus in on and improve,” said Knott.

Overall, he was pleased with the grade. “I am very proud of our schools and the work that they have done,” said Knott.

In other remarks, Knott commended the school system on the new NAF Academy to launch in 2020.

“That kick off was held Sept. 27, 2019,” shared Knott. “That program will begin with the ninth grade next year. I want to give a huge thanks to Mrs. Drew. She has led the movement and been a force in making sure that has happened.”

Present at the meeting, Mrs. Drew commented, “The ultimate goal of this is to have children that are work force ready in the IT field. We know regardless of what job force you go into you will have to have IT skills. That is why we selected this particular academy.”

The NAF Academy is an information technology program, preparing students for career opportunities in programming, database administration, web design, etc. The program will launch next year for the ninth grade class. At Escambia County High School.

Knott also presented the details regarding the 5 mil property tax the City of Atmore will hold on Nov. 12.

Since 1960, this tax has been used to support the needs of the schools inside the Atmore City limits. Voting will be held at the Atmore City Hall Auditorium from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

In new business, the board approved the Escambia County High School choir field trip to Orlando, Fla.

Other actions included:

Review of the annual financial statement for the fiscal year ended Sept. 30, 2019.

Approved an amendment to lease agreement with the town of Flomaton covering the real property and facilities known as Hurricane Field.

Approval of revised Salary Schedule

Approval of the state mandated 4.0% raise for the superintendent

Selection of the board member for the 2019 AASB Delegate Assembly.

All actions were approved and Board Member Cindy Jackson was selected as the delegate representative.