
‘Buy America’ policies are good for Alabama

By: Congressman Bradley Byrne, Representative of the 1st District of Alabama President Trump recently devoted a week to ...


Books, lessons, blue jeans

Forty years ago, in 1977, The Brewton Standard had some interesting stories. Norris Lodge contributed money to the ...


The lost Alabama towns of the Civil War

By Kevin McKinley | All Things Southern The War Between the States (Civil War) had the dual effect ...


Time seems to be zipping by

It seems like there is not enough time in a day. Each day seems to move a little ...


Time marches on for all

Thirty years ago, in 1987, officials said Aug. 3, would be the target date for opening a satellite ...


Enrich your mind during the summer

Many students see summer as a relaxing break from the stresses of homework and school.  Indeed, children need ...


Win some; lose some

In 1987, thirty years ago, the Escambia County Sheriff’s officials located and destroyed 226 marijuana plants worth $113,000 ...


Monroe County obituaries offer glimpses of past

Story by Kevin McKinley | All Things Southern The history of Southwest Alabama is like a patch work ...


Where did the Newcomers Club go?

In 1977, 40 years ago, Steve Johnson of Brewton was named to be a cheerleader with Troy State ...


Rolling with commerce in the Old South

Story by Kevin McKinley | All Things Southern The decades that followed the War Between the States saw ...

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